Water Zorber is a great family based company that can rent you out a great zorbing experience for your party, fair, corporate event, fundraisiers or anything else that you can think of. They will bring everything that you need to have a fun zorbing event, you can rent out the balls, trainers, a pool to do the zorbing in and more. If you have a water body in mind, or access to your own pool, you can also just rent out the zorbs.
Zorbing on water is a great experience, and each turn can last between 5 to 10 minutes. The supervisors can also arrange for fun games or competitions to be done, if you require. The pool needs to be set up the day before the event, as it can take a while to fill up with water. There are two pools that you can hire, a 4x4 metre pool, or a 6x6 metre pool, and the maximum number of zorbs is three. If you would like some more information, contact Water Zorber for some more details.
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