We were born several years ago with an ambitious double
mission: providing as many as possible courses related to the boat and maritime industry and succeeding in achieving the highest level of customers’ satisfaction.
Nowadays we can say we have been
successful, for our reward is the support from our customers and the life experiences we have lived together. This has allowed us to extend the field of our courses, to go further and higher, constantly evolving and renewing our fleet and equipment, and increasing the qualification of our staff.
Thus we are honoured to offer you the following
Powerboat: Backed by the most important official organization at the national level, we have four different levels depending on your experience
Motor cruising: It is based on an itinerary formed by five degrees of knowledge.
Sailing: Our courses take from two to five days. They are intensive and ensure an adequate formation of its participants.
Shorebased: They are based on the acquisition of knowledge instead of practice and all of them take place outside the water.
Online: If distances are a problem you can still learn new things thanks to these courses.
Diving: We are present in the region of Dorset, where you can take this courses supervised by a responsible staff in a thrilling environment.