An amazing outdoor activity provider, Free, spirits has almost everything available. You can choose from white water rafting, canyoning, abseiling, kayaking, mountain biking and others. This company is the UKs leading outdoor activity provider with oodles of experience. You can come alone and experience the fun adrenaline pumping activities or you can bring family or friends and make it a group activity.
Their activities are a great opportunity for team building! You all will have a brillinat time as you are challenging yourself to new levels you have never reached before. No matter what activity you choose, you will be proud of yourself and be surprised at how far you can go.
Please do not hesitate to contact Freespirits with any questions or inquiries and participate in one of the best programs you will experience!
Freespirits Canyoning has some of the best canyoning in Scotland. Canyoning is when you travel in canyons by walking, scrambling, climbing, jumping, abseiling, and/or swimming. It is an amazing experience that is once in a lifetime. If you were to never go canyoning, you will be missing out on something huge!
You will push yourself to the limit because you will have to deal with the dark and depth of the waters and canyons while swimming, scrambling, etc. You can go down a huge waterfall, or jump from crazy heights. No matter what you do, your blood will be pumping the entire time.
Please do not hesitate to contact Freespirits Canyoning with any questions or inquiries. You won´t want to ever stop once you start!
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
White water rafting is one of the most exciting sports to do, especially with Freespirits Rafting. The level of severity varies, so you can choose from extremely difficult to relatively calm waters. White water rafting is when you go down a river on an inflatable raft with a group of people, all paddling and trying not to get stuck on a rock or flip over.
Go on a high skill level river and have the adrenaline rush of your life! Make it a group activity and you can bring family and friends. You definitely will work on your teamwork skills because without teamwork, your boat is bound to flip or get stuck.
Please do not hesitate to contact Freespirits Rafting with any questions or inquiries and get rushed down the river at crazy speeds!
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
Mountain Biking can be a huge adrenaline rush with Freespirits Mountain Biking. If you aren’t looking for anything too intense, there is still something for you, too. You can go on riding trails that are more scenic and beautiful and easier to ride. If you aren’t that good of a rider but want to challenge yourself, there are different trails for different skill levels.
Advanced mountain bikers, explore the trails and surrounding area by yourselves or with friends and family. You will definitely improve your skills as you ride around the paths that have been barely touched. You are guaranteed to have a blast because this area is the best for mountain biking!
Please do not hesitate to contact Freespirits Mountain Biking with any questions or inquiries!
Mountain Biking
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
Mountain Biking
Aberfeldy » Perth and Kinross
Mountain Biking
Kenmore » Perth and Kinross
Abseiling with Freespirits Abseiling is a guaranteed adrenaline rush! It is one of the most fastly growing in popularity, come see why it´s a favourite! It is impossible to not have your adrenaline pumping while lowering youself down the cliff. Can you imagine anything more exciting then that!?
You can even go abseiling off of a bridge. There is nothing that can get your blood pumping more than looking a huge drop in the face and jumping. Go alone or with family and friends so you can all experience the once in a life time event together. You are bound to get addicted to the adrenaline rush after the first time. You will leave wanting more!
Please do not hesitate to contact Freespirits Abseiling with any questions or inquiries!
Pitlochry » Perth and Kinross
Pitlochry » Perth and Kinross
Blairgowrie » Perth and Kinross
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