Understanding Horses runs a special range of confidence building and skills-based courses. We aim to help you understand the behaviour of horses. We do not offer horse riding or pony trekking.
Our courses include:
Horse Handling For Beginners: We will take you through the basic knowledge and skills you require to feel comfortable and safe interacting with all types of horses and ponies. You will practice head collaring, catching, picking out hooves and leading.
Equine Body Language And Behaviour: Learn how to understand horses by observing their behaviour closely. We will show you how to communicate and interact with them more effectively.
Horse Handling For The Less Confident Person: Learn how to handle your horse safely and confidently, whether they are loose or if you are leading. It is one of our most popular courses.
We also do Home Visits for how to teach you techniques control your horses and resolve any problem you have living together.
To book a place or to find out more information, please do not hesitate in contacting Understanding Horses. We will be happy to help.