Wiltshire is no longer the famous town where we can find Stonehenge, a monument built with white stones that, according to different sources, was created by the Celts back in the Prehistoric area. Wiltshire is also about ballooning thanks to Aerosaurus Balloons.
Our company was founded by Clive Bayley, our current chief pilot, and Jo Bayley in 1987 after years and years of private experience as civil pilots. With us, more than 100.000 people have enjoyed flying over the British landscapes and we couldn't resist opening a venue in Wiltshire. Why? Because, with us, you will be able to see, for instance, the Bratton White Horse, a series of horse-like drawings caved on the hills that, as rumor has it, comes from a XVIII Century tradition when people made them with chalk on the ground.
To reach our headquarters, you have to follow the A30 and get to the A354. You will get to the Lamer Tree Garden, a Victorian area that was built in the XIX century by Pitt Rivers and where many people get married here nowadays.
The airspace is now shared by the military forces, so we cannot go to some areas above Salisbury. However, the experience remains breathtaking. Actually, we are the biggest company dedicated to balloon flights in West Great Britain.
As a balloon company, we follow the guidelines provided by the Civil Aviation Authority, an association that also oversees our equipment, our training, our safety rules...
So, welcome to Aerosaurus Balloons Wiltshire, a company where history, beauty, nature and adventure meet!
Hot Air Balloon Rides
Castle Combe » Wiltshire
Hot Air Balloon Rides
Malmesbury » Wiltshire
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