Airsoft is a recreational activity which uses replica firearms and plastic bullets to create imaginary scenarios. The size (6mm or 8mm) and velocity (less than 700 FPS) of the bullets secures your safety in a specially controlled environment such as the NTAC Airsoft Skirmish Site in Shildon, Durham. It has 29 acres of land. There are wooded areas as well as clear spaces with vehicle access all over. We have an exceptionally large arena game area, where the players are required to use their skill and tactic to complete specific tasks.
The NTAC specialise in various full tactical events with Land Rover convoys. We are able to prepare many different gaming situations, which include the use of explosive pyrotechnics. You can reenact an historical event or simulate a fictious military offense. The choice is yours!
Our site and services offer fantastic and alternative days out, where you can be sure of a very warm welcome and an experience to remember. All the necessary equipment is available for hire or to buy on the day so you are never left short.
The site has a car parking facility with a capacity of up to 200 vehicles, including coaches. A variety of refreshments and toilet facilities are also available. NTAC is a fully registered UKARA and UKASGB game site. They are a registered supplier of Web-tex - Jack Pyke - Viper - Black Hawk - 5.11 Airsoft kit.
If you would like further information regarding prices etc. please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
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